Heart di Vite: For the Love of Art, Science, and Our Environment

What happens when we bring together Napa Valley’s finest biodynamic winemakers with San Diego’s top green chefs?


Joyce Cutler-Shaw

Joyce is a proud UCSD alumna and visual artist of intermedia, including drawings, installations, public projects and artist's books. She has exhibited since 1972. Her works are represented in both museum and library special collections internationally. In her own words: “My works are multi-media, including drawings, installations, public projects and artists books. Drawing is at the heart of my work; drawing as a way of knowing, as a mode of inquiry, as a visual language...Artists books are integral to my works at every level, from proposal pieces and visual documents of installations and public works, to limited editions and unique book objects. My subjects are human identity and the natural world. My themes are evolution, survival and transformation: from reptile into bird, from mammal to human, and from human, perhaps to humane."